
human resources


公司持有持特种设备无损检测Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ级资格证书137人516项,其中Ⅲ级(高*级)证65项,Ⅱ级资格证359项;持机械工业理化检验人员中级技术资格证书29人,其中光谱分析24项,力学性能25项;另有ASNT(美国无损检测协会)直接颁发的Ⅲ级证书4项,BV国际检验集团颁发的SNT 资格证书14人56项,其中Ⅲ级40项,Ⅱ级16项,TWI(英国焊接研究所)认证组织颁发的带有CSWIP标志的PAUT(相控阵超声波检测技术)证书6项,其中Ⅲ级1项、Ⅱ级5项;公司还有1人取得人力资源和社会保障部颁发的国家职业技能竞赛裁判员证书。





In order to ensure that Luoyang CNPC testing Engineering Co., Ltd. maintains the independence of the organization during the implementation of testing activities, ensure the fairness of the testing process and its results and the confidentiality of customer information, and continuously meet the requirements of CNAS-CL01 and its application in relevant fields, the management measures for qualification identification of inspection and testing institutions, Rb / t214-2017, TSG z7005-2015, TSG z7003-2004, etc., the following statements and commitments are made:

1. The company carries out various testing activities in accordance with the provisions of relevant national laws and regulations, fully implements the requirements of contracts, standards, methods and procedures, follows the principles of objectivity, independence, fairness, honesty and trustworthiness, abides by professional ethics, assumes social responsibility, is not interfered or affected by commercial, financial, administrative and other interests, ensures the reliability of testing results, and assumes corresponding administrative or legal responsibilities for each report.

2. The company strengthens education and guidance and continuously improves the professional ethics and technical and professional quality of all employees. All personnel will not practice favoritism, favoritism or fraud in the process of implementing testing activities, and will not be affected by internal and external pressure such as reward and punishment, time limit, equipment, human resources, technical resources and customer relations.

3. The company stands on the position of a third party, and all testing activities are independent of the parties involved. Personnel at all levels shall not participate in product design, R & D, production, supply, installation, use or maintenance related to testing projects or similar competitive projects that may affect the fairness of testing results.

4. Personnel at all levels of the company will properly keep and keep confidential all customer information obtained or generated in testing activities. The information to be published in public (unless the customer has already published it) shall be approved by the customer in advance. If it is required by law or authorized by the contract to disclose the customer's confidential information, it shall notify the relevant customers or individuals of the information to be disclosed, unless prohibited by law.

5. When the company obtains information about customers from sources other than customers, it shall keep it confidential between customers and the company. Unless the information provider agrees, the company will keep the information provider confidential and will not inform the customer.

6. The company shall fully implement the responsibilities and obligations promised to the client, strictly abide by the agreement signed with the client, adhere to objectivity, science, impartiality and confidentiality, and prevent all events damaging the interests of the client.

7. In addition to carrying out the client's testing tasks, the company shall not use the client's technical materials and information to carry out all technology, development, consultation, service, trade and other activities that violate impartiality.

Respect for customers, equal treatment and fair treatment are the eternal purpose of our work. For the implementation and implementation of the above commitments, the company sincerely accepts the supervision of all aspects.
